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Introduction to Financial Assets

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1. Idea of Business

Financial Markets and products exist for a reason. The idea of a business and how it leads to financial products can be explored very quickly!

2. Origin of Markets

For a broader sense of markets, if you like to indulge in a piece of history, here is a really engaging piece.

3. Equity

Say 'Markets' and the first terms that come to mind are; Stocks, Shares, Equity. It is glamorous. It conjures up visions of wealth. Here is what Equity actually means.

4. Benefits of Shareholding

Investments are made for a purpose - to generate returns. The benefits of the owning equity are simple as seen here, quite simply

5. Primary & Secondary Markets

Investors get invest in through either the Primary Market or the Secondary Market. The full process is complex; but the essence is simple.


Initial Public Offerings, Follow-on Public Offerings and Secondary offerings are some of the other terminologies in the markets

7. Raising Capital

Snap made a secondary offering. It needed no cash for investing and drew a lot of attention for that, in 2018. This video explains what happened in that IPO

8. An Intro to Fixed Income

Bonds do not get the kind of rock-star attention as equities do. But smart investors keep an eye on Fixed Income yields as well. This take on bonds is worth a hundred pages in a book!

9. The Payment of Interest

All investments, bonds included, are made to earn returns. Look at how interest is paid in the instruments that constitute the money market and bond universes

10. Intro to Mutual Funds

The most significant method by which investment finds its way into the equity and bond market are Funds. Take a look at how funds are structured to pipeline that flow from investors to markets.

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