Introduction to Derivatives
Basics of Derivative
Derivatives can be best understood by an example. Here is how easy it is to know what Derivatives are.
Creation of Derivatives
While Derivatives may seem to be complex, it is easy to learn if the basics are right. Get to know the basics of derivatives.
Building Blocks
It is important to understand some building blocks of Derivatives before getting into specifics.
Derivatives - Basic Operation
While different derivatives operate differently, thefundamental operation of Derivatives is the same.
Types & Primary Purpose of Derivative
This video throws light on the basic types of derivatives and the purpose of Derivatives
Understand how a Forward works and its formal definition
Intro to Fx Derivatives
This video deals with the Forward contract as seen in Forex
Need & Impact of Forward
Get to know the needs of a Forward contract and their impact
Interest Rate Derivatives
Learn the basics of Interest rate derivatives
Forward Rate Agreement
This video deals with the basics of Forward Rate Agreements and how FRA works
Creation of Futures Contracts
Understand how Futures are created
The Futures Contract
Look at how the Futures contract looks like and what are its features
A SWAP means an exchange! Get an introductory understanding of SWAPs
Plain vanilla interest rate swap
Understand the manner in which a plain Vanilla Interest Rate Swap works
Cross Currency Swap
Understanding Cross Currency SWAPs can be complex. Get to know the working of Cross Currency Swaps and its uses
Credit Default Swap
Get to understand the basics of Credit default Swaps and how they work